Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Merry Christmas!!

Hoping everyone has a wonderful Christmas! Below is a picture of Guido in front of the Christmas tree. He posed all by himself; I just had to grab my phone quick enough to snap the picture! :)

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Guido & His Buddies at U of I

Guido's wheelchair has not been fitting right so we contacted his therapist, Kim, at U of I since she did his measurements when we first ordered it and is more familiar with how to adjust it than we are. We drove down for an appointment and while he was there, Guido not only got to spend time with Kim for his appointment, but Dr. Harper made sure she got to spend some quality time with him too-and pose for pictures....

Apparently the day before the appointment, Dr. Harper was very excited that Guido was coming the next day. I know we've said it before, but we really can't say it enough-the staff at the U of I Veterinary Teaching Hospital is AWESOME! Kim greets us with a welcoming hug each time we go there and is always willing to help. That personality of Guido's has won the hearts of so many people...he really is very special and we're blessed to have him. 

Friday, March 27, 2015

Some Pictures...

This picture is from shortly after Guido's surgery. Dr. Harper at U of I calls it Guido Chic. She did some of his therapy and decided to put the safety glasses on him. You can also see his incision somewhat in the picture. 

And this is Guido with his buddy Chloe (Rod's parents' dog) who shares her sunning space with Guido. Apparently, Guido decided Chloe made a great pillow! :)

PJStar Article

So, a couple of months ago, Rodney saw a notice in the Peoria Journal Star asking for stories about pets-funniest, cutest, sweetest thing your pet has done. We sent in a few pictures of Guido along with his story and to our surprise we were contacted by a reporter who wanted to do a story about our experience caring for a special needs pet. She came to the house and then a photographer came to Rod's parents house to do pictures and a video. The story has been posted online and will be in a special section of this Sunday's paper. Everything turned out great! We've been sharing the links with everyone we can think of, including Hope Rescues, which is whom we got Guido from. Jackie was thrilled and posted the link on their Facebook page. Guido is such a great little guy and we were more than willing to share his story with everyone. The links are below:
